The University of Bergen is located in Bergen, Norway. Although founded as late as 1946, academic activity had taken place at Bergen Museum as far back as 1825. The university today serves more than 14,500 students, and is one of eight universities in Norway.TuitionThe University of Bergen, in common with other Norwegian universities, does not charge tuition fees, wooden Applies also two international students. Students are however required to be members of the student welfare organization. As of Fall 2012, this fee (tuition) is NOK 470 (approx. U.S. $ 80) per semester, and Provides Access to several services, including cultural activities, childcare, refunds for many medical Expenses and subsidized accommodation.RankingsIn 2010 the university was RANKED AS number 135 worldwide by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and 121st worldwide by the 2011 QS World University Rankings. UiB was also RANKED number 148 worldwide in the July 2010 Webometrics Ranking of World Universities.OrganizationThe University of Bergen has an Elected Rector, currently Dag Rune Olsen (August 1, 2013-present). The university has six faculties, the University of Bergen Library and the University Museum of Bergen have a faculty-like status.